Core Values
Diversity. We believe in the inherent value and contributions of difference to the learning, development, and academic success of each and every student.
We believe that in differences of race, ethnicity, language, culture, faith, and perspectives exist strengths, assets, sources of support for student success and well-being. We believe that by pursuing diversity through desegregation; by recognizing, respecting, and responding to difference; and by promoting integration through inclusive and supportive school communities, we celebrate and employ the unique gifts we bring, as well as the gifts we share, to the benefit of all.
Equity. We believe that each student should be provided equitable opportunities for learning, development, and academic success.
We believe that these opportunities should vary according to their appropriateness and cultural relevance and responsiveness to each student. We believe that different educational pathways, approaches, and supports may be necessary for each student to thrive and succeed in school.
Excellence. We believe that each student’s success depends on the quality and effectiveness of equitable learning opportunities and on the commitment to serve students effectively each day.We believe in the inherent value and contributions of difference to the learning, development, and academic success of each and every student.
We believe that excellence proceeds from what is known from research and the professional wisdom of educators about effective, appropriate, and culturally relevant and responsive practice. It proceeds from the highest degree of effort to bring that knowledge of practice to life for each student. And it proceeds from understanding the authentic needs and interests of the students, families, and communities we serve.
Integrity. We believe that to serve each student successfully, we are called to act according to the highest moral and ethical standards.
We are called to act according to principles of right and wrong and to the ethical norms and values of our profession. We believe that integrity embodies honesty, trust, courage, respect, openness, and humility. Acting with integrity calls us to seek and promote the voice of others; to pursue equity, fairness, and justice; and to accept responsibility for the success of each and every student and family.
Innovation. We believe that continuous improvement is vital to striving for equity and excellence.
Equity-oriented continuous improvement is crucial for developing new programs and practices to challenge and support students; promote cultural relevance and responsiveness; and tailor learning opportunities to meet the ever-changing needs and interests of the students, families, and communities we serve. We believe that diversity and inclusion can be crucial sources of equity-oriented innovation and improvement.
Caring Community. We believe that each student’s success depends not only on high expectations and academic challenge but also on the social, emotional, and academic support of a caring school community.
A caring community cultivates positive relationships, shared commitments and mutual responsibility, and a sense of belonging among its diverse members. A caring community is characterized by attentiveness to, knowledge and understanding of, and motivation to address each member’s particular needs and interests and to help them reach their fullest potential. A caring community is defined by kindness, empathy, compassion, trust, and respect brought to life through competent action and interaction. It is a community that seeks, listens, hears, and responds to the voices of its members.