Equity, Diversity, and Inclusiveness (EDI)

Equity, Diversity and Inclusiveness | 520-225-6067 | 1010 E Tenth St, Tucson, AZ 85719 | Map (google.com)

State of EDI Address
On April 29, the Equity, Diversity & Inclusiveness Department held the State of EDI Address for TUSD and community members. The event was meant to communicate the department’s achievements, outline future initiatives, and foster a sense of unity and commitment among all stakeholders towards advancing equity, diversity, and inclusiveness. After a brief opening, attendees were able to take part in roundtable discussions and listen to a panel discussion.
Tonya Strozier, Director of African American Student Services, points to notes in her binder
A group gathers around the Native American Student Services table for a roundtable discussion
The roundtable discussion groups in the ballroom
Two women watch the EDI Address
Roxanne Begay-James, Director of Native American Student Services, holds a discussion at her table
EDI News
Magnet Awards
Four students smile in front of bookshelves in the librarySeven of Tucson Unified's Magnet schools have been recognized by Magnet Schools of America's Merit Awards Program for 2025.
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New HUB at Utterback
Academia Huitzilin STEM Camp
A boy in a white hat and shirt stands on a counter to drop his egg with a balloon and grocery bagThe Mexican American Student Services department kicked off their Academia Huitzilin STEM Camp with some fun activities. 
Borton Students Write Book
A Borton 2nd grader poses with his teacher and the paper mache vaquita he createdPreviously the Puffin Room, this school year Borton Elementary Magnet School 2nd grade teacher Metta Franklin decided to have her classroom be the Vaquita Room. And the change proved to be inspirational to everyone.
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About Us

Kamren Tarvati
Senior Director

To serve our students and families to the highest potential, ensuring the learning, development, and academic success for every student.

We will achieve our mission by pursuing diversity through desegregation, integration, and equity of opportunity districtwide, and by eliminating the manifestations of racism, discrimination, and prejudice.