Contact Us

Tucson Unified School District | 520-225-6000 | 1010 E Tenth St, Tucson, AZ 85719

Thanks for getting in touch, no matter what  your concern or questions. We're always happy to hear from you. We have included common forms for questions, reporting concerns and complaints, and more.


When you need a specific phone number or email address, please use the directories, too!

Enrollment Help
For help to get your child into one of our schools, our Student Placement & Enrollment team is here to help. 

You can also visit our Welcome Center, any of our Family Resource Centers, or your neighborhood school in-person.
Incidents, Concerns, Complaints

Do you have a concern or complaint that needs resolution? If you've already gone through the appropriate channels and still need help, use an Incident Report.

For more about Awareity - A Tool for Safer Schools

Sexual Discrimination

Use this form to report a concern regarding sexual discrimination, harassment, or assault to the Title IX coordinator for further action.

Reach out to the Title IX Coordinator, Maricela Meza at 520-225-6739

If you have a question about your child's bus route, eligibility, or other transportation issues, please use this form to contact us.
For urgent requests, call: 520-225-6262
Route information is also available on Parent Vue