Family Resource Centers
- District information and resources
- Referrals to community resources
- Classes and workshops for parents, guardians, and other adult caregivers
- Information about District programs
- Access to computers and internet
- Support for School Choice applications
- Clothing bank and food pantry services—available to TUSD students and their families at Duffy clothing bank and all Family Resource Center locations.
Talk It Out
- Provides free mental health counseling services for TUSD students and their families.
- Talk It Out Request
District-wide Family Events
- Plans events, such as
- Health and Wellness Fair
- Back-to-School Bash
- Resource Fairs
- FAFSA Night
- and more
Homeless Education and Resource Team (HEART)
- Supports students experiencing a housing crisis.
Youth In Care
- Help for students in foster care or group homes, or students involved in the juvenile justice system.
Volunteers are crucial to the Family Resource Centers, Clothing Bank, and Food Pantry. Volunteers help everything run smoothly and at a low cost by receiving, sorting, and taking inventory of donations and preparing food boxes. Volunteers also answer phones, serve as bilingual assistants, or facilitate classes and workshops. Volunteers play a big role in making sure the centers run smoothly and services are available to Tucson Unified families.
Voluntarios son esenciales a los Centros de Recursos Familiares y los Bancos de Ropa y Alimento. Los voluntarios ayudan a que todo funcione con fluidez y a bajo costo al recibir, surtir, y hacer inventario de las donaciones, mantener la limpieza y el orden de la ropa, y preparar las canastas de alimento.
The Family Resource Centers provide the communities they serve with information and connections to vital services, such as health care, counseling, exceptional education services, enrollment aid and refugee services. The centers assist Tucson Unified families with all of the programs and services available to their students in order to help them make the most of the educational opportunities.
Uniendo la Comunidad a Servicios
Los Centros de Recursos Familiares proveen información a las comunidades, al igual que conexiones a servicios importantes, como cuidado de salud, consejería, servicios de educación especial, ayuda para inscripción, y servicios para refugiados. Los centros asisten a familias del distrito con los programas y servicios disponibles a sus estudiantes con el fin de ayudarles a tomar ventaja de sus oportunidades educativas.
Donations are one of the most critical components in maintaining the success of the Family Resource Centers and Clothing Bank. Tucson Unified's clothing banks are stocked almost exclusively with donations for school-aged children. Monetary donations are used to purchase items such as new socks and underwear. Other types of donations accepted are school supplies, backpacks, jackets, toys and household items. Donations of time are also important, as volunteers help the resource centers operate. Your donations of clothing, funds, and time can help to ensure the basic needs of our students are met, allowing them to focus on taking full advantage of their educational opportunities.
La donación es uno de los componentes más cruciales en mantener el éxito de los Centros de Recursos Familiares y los Bancos de Ropa y Alimento. Los bancos de ropa del distrito casi exclusivamente contienen donaciones para niños en edad escolar. Donaciones monetarias se usan para comprar artículos tales como calcetines y ropa interior. Otro tipo de donaciones aceptadas son útiles escolares, mochilas, sacos, juguetes, y artículos de uso doméstico. Donaciones de tiempo también son importantes porque voluntarios ayudan a funcionar los centros. Sus donaciones de ropa, fondos, y tiempo ayudarán a asegurar que las necesidades básicas de nuestros estudiantes sean satisfechas, permitiéndoles así, enfocarse en tomar ventaja de sus oportunidades educativas.
The food pantries at the Family Resource Centers provide food items for Tucson Unified families. The food for the pantries is provided by The Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona and is offered to families free of charge. Deliveries are made monthly to the centers, where items are sorted by staff and volunteers into boxes for different-sized families and made ready for distribution. Families can then come and pick up the boxes for their homes.
Los bancos de alimento
Los bancos de alimento en los Centros de Recursos Familiares proveen comida para familias del distrito. La comida de los bancos es donada por el Banco Comunitario de Comida del Sur de Arizona y brindada gratis a familias. Entregas a los bancos son mensuales, donde los artículos son divididos por empleados y voluntarios en cajas dependiendo del tamaño de la familia. Familias entonces pueden pasar a recoger las canastas de comida para sus hogares.