Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Testing

GATE Testing & Placement 520-225-1310 | 2120 E. Naco Vista, Tucson, AZ 85713 | Map (


At Tucson Unified, we recognize that gifted students have special educational needs that should be met within the context of the whole child. The role of the GATE Testing & Placement Office is to ensure all students at Tucson Unified schools have equitable opportunity and access to the GATE Program services we offer. Through our practice, we utilize multiple measures (i.e. the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT), the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT3) and the Raven Progressive Matrices, etc.) to determine a student's program eligibility.  

Feel free to use the sections below to learn more about our office. 
GATE Announcements
Self-Contained GATE Virtual Open House
Self-Contained GATE Virtual Open House Tuesday, March 25 6 p.m. K-5 Self-Contained Hollinger Dual Language • Roberts-Naylor Kellond • Lineweaver • Wheeler • White Middle School Self-Contained Hollinger Dual Language Doolen • Pistor • Vail Open Access GATE Tully K-5 • Roberts-Naylor 6-8 Join Us on Zoom For any questions or more information, please email GATE Programs at 
District-Wide GATE Newsletter
GATE Pull-out Newsletter
More Info
All GATE teachers throughout the district are encouraged to use these GATE standards to differentiate instruction and create interdisciplinary units of study. 
The District provides transportation to self-contained students that live in the TUSD boundaries and beyond the walking distance that the district has established. Please ask about transportation when registering. Registration must be completed at the site by May 15 of the preceding year to receive transportation services by the beginning of the year.

Please see below links, which provide information about Transportation eligibility and Non-Eligible Rider Form.
Transportation Eligibility

According to Policy EEA, school bus transportation is provided for students attending their neighborhood schools as long as they live outside the walk boundary.

Non-Eligible Transportation Application (PDF)
Application is for the current school year only. Non-Eligible Rider Transportation Program does not guarantee transportation. The application is a request for transportation department to review availability of route and seats.

To submit a Placement Appeal on behalf of your student, please complete the appeal form found HERE

To complete the form, you will need to sign in to your student's TUSD Account. Their account information can be attained by requesting the information from your student or their teacher. 

TUSD Student Username: