Tucson Unified School District is committed to improving the facilities at each of the District’s schools in an equitable manner. With this in mind, the District developed a Facilities Master Plan to identify necessary facility repairs and improvements and funding sources. Over eight million square feet of buildings that average 47 years old coupled with cuts in State funding by more than $100 million has left Tucson Unified schools with outdated equipment, leaky roofs, broken heaters, and many more problems. The Facilities Master Plan was developed to identify and prioritize these needs. Implementation of this plan will set the stage for success in this district for years to come.
During the development of the plan, through town halls, focus groups and surveys, the district received suggestions and feedback from a wide range of our community, including teachers, staff, administrators, parents/guardians, students and interested community members. This public process and school-by-school assessments of experts in the field, identified over $500 million in school facility needs. The plan identified a bond as the only viable source of funding for the improvements needed, so focus groups developed bond scenarios to allocate different bond funding amounts to key projects.