The schools that will now offer up to sixth grade are:
- Banks
- Borton
- Collier
- Davidson
- Gale
- Henry
- Kellond
- Lynn-Urquides
- Soleng Tom
- Steele
- Vesey
- Whitmore
- Wright
Parental choice is the main reason why the district will provide the K-6 options. Benefits of choosing to stay in a K-6 school include:
- Parents can select the best option for the development and education of their child.
- Studies show smaller academic communities foster better student-teacher relationships.
- Students can transition from self-contained classrooms to departmentalized instruction in a comfortable, familiar environment.
- Sixth graders in K-6 schools tend to do better academically and have fewer discipline issues.
- A higher level of enrichment options such as fine arts, laboratory science, language and other electives.
- Increased opportunities to participate in team sports and after-school activities.
- More social interaction.
- A greater level of responsibility and self-sufficiency.