Deseg Budget Presentations: CRPI
Deseg Budget Presentations
During Governing Board Meetings
Duffy Family & Community Center
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During Governing Board Meetings
Duffy Family & Community Center
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Official documents will be available on the Governing Board's record system (Board Docs).
1 | Teacher Salary | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Instruction (1000-1900) | 8.0 | $ 475,592 | $ 476,092 | $ 500 | 10 FTE are currently allocated. 9 Itinerant/Mentor Teachers are necessary to support current level of CR classes by providing weekly mentorship and observation, curricular support, & PD to CRC teachers. This staff also provides PD in across the district. In SY 2024-25, there are 160 secondary & 22 elementary CR teachers teaching 674 CR identified sections and serving over 7000 students. Each MT provides direct support to 12 novice CRC teachers as well as serving as the contact point for 10 veteran CRC teachers. In 2023-24, there were 6425 students who benefited from CRC. Both qualitative and quantitative data is available that speaks to the effectiveness of this program by way of these staff members. The district has committed to maintain this level of support for CRC in court documents. (See reference: Doc 2508 p27 "The district is committed to supporting those courses currently offered at the current staff levels and with the instructional resources necessary for their success.") This legal order was the result of overwhelming evidence of the efficacy of this educational approach. This staff is the primary vehicle to train the district on the SPARKS CR framework. The venues for these trainings include New Teacher Induction, Teacher Development Academy, Profession Learning Days, CIPDA, etc. (See reference: Professional Development by CRPI). The number of participants and the feedback data is collected and available upon request. (Doc 2259-1 Status Report) CRC Master Teachers p.11 of 18) |
2 | Employee Benefits | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Instruction (1000-1900) | 8.0 | $ 142,800 | $ 153,472 | $ 10,672 | Itinerant Teacher Benefits |
3 | Classified Salary | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | 1.0 | $ 50,321 | $ 50,824 | $ 503 | Responsibilities include management of CRC resources & checkout process, processing of payment for added duty work for CRPI, processes all vendor approvals and purchases, and all other duties normally conducted by a department administrative assistant. (See Doc 2508 "As the Court understands [] it intends to maintain CRC courses at the current level. There is no objection." |
4 | Employee Benefits | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | 1.0 | $ 15,096 | $ 16,264 | $ 1,168 | Admin Assistant Benefits |
5 | Classified Salary | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Observations of Best Practices 80418 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | 0.2 | $ 12,227 | $ 12,350 | $ 123 | Program Coordinator: Necessary admin staff 1of3 This position is an essential position to the successful implementation of the CRC offerings and the SPARKS framework. This position is responsible for coordinating districtwide CRC events and trainings across the district. This position works closely with the director to monitor and administer the department, its staff, and all its offerings. This position also manages the development of, accountability for and submission of curriculum, ensuring its alignment with district and state standards and legislation. |
6 | Classified Salary | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | CRC and Student Engagement PD 80508 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | 0.4 | $ 24,455 | $ 24,699 | $ 244 | Program Coordinator: Necessary admin staff 2of3 |
7 | Classified Salary | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | 0.4 | $ 24,455 | $ 24,699 | $ 244 | Program Coordinator: Necessary admin staff 3of3 |
8 | Employee Benefits | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | 1.0 | $ 18,341 | $ 19,759 | $ 1,418 | Program Coordinator Benefits |
9 | Administrator Salary | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Observations of Best Practices 80418 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | 0.2 | $ 18,519 | $ 18,704 | $ 185 | Director: Administration 1of3 This position is responsible for; the oversight of the CRPI department and all its offerings, progress monitoring, quality control, innovation, expansion, partnerships with collaborative internal and external entities, evaluation of the program and staff, budgeting considerations, and the executive decision making process. |
10 | Administrator Salary | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | CRC and Student Engagement PD 80508 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | 0.4 | $ 37,038 | $ 37,409 | $ 371 | Director: Administration 2of3 |
11 | Administrator Salary | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | 0.4 | $ 37,038 | $ 37,409 | $ 371 | Director: Administration 3of3 |
12 | Employee Benefits | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | 1.0 | $ 27,779 | $ 29,927 | $ 2,148 | Director Benefits |
13 | Added Duty Classroom Tchr | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | $ 30,000 | $ 30,000 | $ - | Added Duty Pay for Teachers receiving Tier I/II Monthly CRC training. This training is how teachers acquire the knowledge, strategies and on how best to implement culturally relevant curriculum and responsive practices. These trainings, in conjuction with the mentorship and instructional resources, are the determining factor in CRC implementation. (Doc 2259-1 Status Report) CRPI continues to provide monthly Tier 1 professional development to all CRC teachers. In addition to this training, the department provides updates on all current and relevant CRC topics during Saturday professional development sessions. This format allows CRC teachers to engage in PLC work with other CRC teachers throughout the District Additional opportunities for CRC training and professional development include a Summer Institute for Culturally Responsive Education, discussed in more detail below. (Doc 2508) |
14 | Added Duty Other Certified Staff | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | $ 20,000 | $ 15,000 | $ (5,000) | Summer work allows for the development of unique CR curriculum, alignment with state and district standards & expectations, and preparation of professional development modules to support the district's evolution in culturally responsive practices. Doc 2259-1 Curriculum Development & Articulation p.9 of 18) The CRPI department continues to develop, review and revise CRC curriculum documents. CR teachers develop content area lesson plans throughout the year and submit them to CRPI Case 4:74-cv-00090-DCB Document 2259-1 Filed 08/30/19 Page 9 of 18 Page 2 of 5 leadership for approval. CRPI Master teachers assist in the development of these lessons and make them available to other CR teachers upon request. CRPI staff revised of course curricula and the general scope and sequence for social studies to reflect the new state standards that have recently been released. In this process CRPI Master Teachers work during off‐contract time to modify scope and sequence, curriculum maps, and develop curriculum as a resource to CRC teachers. |
15 | Instructional Aids | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Instruction (1000-1900) | $ 8,000 | $ 8,000 | $ - | CRC Books & Instructional Aids are necessary to develop CR curriculum that aligns with the state and district standards and that reflects the lived experiences of the students in the classroom. This is a necessary expense that allows teachers to provide culturally relevant materials to their students. (Doc 2508 Doc 2508 p27 "The district is committed to supporting those courses currently offered at the current staff levels and with the instructional resources necessary for their success.") | |
16 | Field Trip Costs | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Instruction (1000-1900) | $ 1,000 | $ 1,500 | $ 500 | Field Trips provide enrichment opportunities for students to expand the learning beyond the classroom and into their community's spaces. (Doc 2508 p27 "The district is committed to supporting those courses currently offered at the current staff levels and with the instructional resources necessary for their success.") | |
17 | Consultants | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | CRC and Student Engagement PD 80508 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | $ 29,000 | $ 29,000 | $ - | These consultants are national expert in CR education who are brought in to keynote our Summer Institute for Culturally Responsive Education at University of Arizona in June. (See reference: SICRE Keynotes) Due to previous funding restrictions and cuts, this conference was reduced from a 3-day to a 2-day conference. ---- Due to reductions in staffing, unassigned duties will need to be obsorbed by external consultants. This increase accounts for 20K additional dollars. | |
18 | Conference Registration | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | $ - | $ - | $ - | Registration | |
19 | Dues/Membership Fees | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | $ - | $ - | $ - | Membership Dues | |
20 | Out-Of-State Travel | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | $ 800 | $ - | $ (800) | Out of State Travel to the American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference. This conference provides unique professioal growth opportunities for CRPI staff & teachers. Staff may also present their research to a national audience on the work in CRPI & TUSD. | |
21 | Supplies-Technology Related | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | $ 500 | $ 500 | $ - | Technology Supplies Mice, flash drives, etc. | |
22 | Substitute Teachers | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | CRC and Student Engagement PD 80508 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | $ 1,500 | $ 1,500 | $ - | Sub Teacher Pay: CRC Class Coverage for peer observation for teacher growth and mentorship or fieldtrip coverage. | |
23 | Mileage | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | CRC and Student Engagement PD 80508 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | $ 7,000 | $ 8,000 | $ 1,000 | Milage: Staff | |
24 | Printing and Binding | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | CRC and Student Engagement PD 80508 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | $ 3,000 | $ 3,500 | $ 500 | Printshop: Professional Development 2213 | |
25 | Supplies | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | CRC and Student Engagement PD 80508 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | $ 2,000 | $ 3,000 | $ 1,000 | Office supplies & ink toner | |
26 | Tech Related Hardware & Software less than $5,000 | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | $ 500 | $ 500 | $ - | Tech capital: scanners, projectors, etc. | |
27 | Furniture and Equipment less than $5,000 | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | CRC and Student Engagement PD 80508 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | $ 500 | $ 600 | $ 100 | Office furniture & equipment | |
28 | Added Duty Other Certified Staff | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | $ - | $ - | $ - | This activity funded Added Duty for a longer summer institute (SICRE) to increase the District's expertise in culturally responsive education. While this effort needed an additional 90K for full implementation, it was eliminated to reduce the strain on desegregation funding. Subsequently, 65K was picked up by Title II. | |
29 | Consultants | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | CRC and Student Engagement PD 80508 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | $ - | $ - | |||
Grand Total | 22.0 | $ 987,461 | $ 1,002,708 | $ 15,247 |
1 | Teacher Salary | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Instruction (1000-1900) | 2.0 | $ 118,898 | $ 119,898 | $ 1,000 | 10 FTE are currently allocated. 9 Itinerant/Mentor Teachers are necessary to support current level of CR classes by providing weekly mentorship and observation, curricular support, & PD to CRC teachers. This staff also provides PD in across the district. In SY 2024-25, there are 160 secondary & 22 elementary CR teachers teaching 674 CR identified sections and serving over 7000 students. Each MT provides direct support to 12 novice CRC teachers as well as serving as the contact point for 10 veteran CRC teachers. In 2023-24, there were 6425 students who benefited from CRC. Both qualitative and quantitative data is available that speaks to the effectiveness of this program by way of these staff members. The district has committed to maintain this level of support for CRC in court documents. (See reference: Doc 2508 p27 "The district is committed to supporting those courses currently offered at the current staff levels and with the instructional resources necessary for their success.") This legal order was the result of overwhelming evidence of the efficacy of this educational approach. This staff is the primary vehicle to train the district on the SPARKS CR framework. The venues for these trainings include New Teacher Induction, Teacher Development Academy, Profession Learning Days, CIPDA, etc. (See reference: Professional Development by CRPI). The number of participants and the feedback data is collected and available upon request. (Doc 2259-1 Status Report) CRC Master Teachers p.11 of 18) |
2 | Employee Benefits | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Instruction (1000-1900) | 2.0 | $ 35,700 | $ 38,368 | $ 2,668 | These two mentor positions were reduced due to the 10% cut in funding this year. |
Grand Total | 4.0 | $ 154,598 | $ 158,266 | $ 3,668 |
1 | Added Duty Classroom Tchr | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | $ - | $ 30,000 | $ 30,000 | Added duty pay for a return to 3 days of SICRE. CRPI currently relies on Title I&II grants to fund added duty for this 2-day event. | |
2 | Conference Registration | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | $ 1,500 | $ 1,500 | Conference registration for AERA to expose staff and CRC teachers to this learning opportunity | ||
3 | Dues/Membership Fees | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | $ 1,500 | $ 1,500 | Conference Dues and Memberships for AERA conference & learning opportunity | ||
4 | Out-Of-State Travel | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | $ 10,000 | $ 10,000 | Out of State Travel to AERA conference for professional learning | ||
5 | Instructional Aids | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Instruction (1000-1900) | $ 10,000 | $ 10,000 | Instructional Aids: CRC novels | ||
6 | Printing and Binding | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | $ 3,000 | $ 3,000 | Office supplies & Printshop to fund additional promotional material and student graduation honor sashes. | ||
7 | Field Trip Costs | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | $ 1,000 | $ 1,000 | Fieldtrips and enrichment activities for students | ||
8 | Substitute Teachers | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | $ 1,000 | $ 1,000 | Sub covreage for teachers for pd & enrichment activities | ||
9 | Consultants | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Instruction | Culturally Relevant Courses 80510 | Support Services-Teachers (22XX) | $ 30,000 | $ 30,000 | Study on efficacy of CRC/CRPI conducted by an external entity. This study, as called for by court order, is to include CRPI in the planning and development, and is to mirror the study referenced in the court documentation Doc 2508 "Final Court Order" referencing Cabrera et. al. 2012- Missing the Forest for All the Trees. | ||
10 | GRAND TOTAL | ||||||||
Grand Total | 0.0 | $ - | $ 88,000 | $ 88,000 |