Federal Programs & School Improvement

Our purpose is to support school initiatives through their use of federal, state, and local funds.
We help schools increase student achievement, family engagement, and staff performance through initiatives that use research-based best practices. We work closely with schools to help manage funding as well as to continue to improve their initiatives.
The primary federal grants that are managed include ESEA (Title I, II, IV), Equitable Services, 21st CCLC, and School Improvement.
In addition to direct work with schools, we oversee all private grant funding, donations, and agreements (MOUs, IGAs) that bring resources into our district.
What is Title I?
The purpose of Title I is to help all children achieve the state's academic standards. This is accomplished through supplemental programs that consist of instructional services, instructional support services, school wide reform efforts, and increased involvement of parents in their children's education. The focus of a School wide Program is Comprehensive School wide Reform to ensure all students -- especially those considered most academically at-risk -- are able to attain academic proficiency based upon state academic standards (source ADE, 2014).
- Develop Positive Relationships that value diversity
- Pursue Growth Opportunities and Celebrate Achievements
- Clearly Collaborate and Communicate to Identify and Solve problems
- Deliver Differentiated and Data-Driven Responses to Changing Environments
- Provide Ethical Stewardship and Fiscal Responsibility
Title I Elementary Schools
- Banks
- Blenman
- Bloom
- Bonillas
- Booth-Fickett K-8
- Borton
- Carrillo K-5 Magnet
- Cavett
- Collier
- Cragin
- Davidson
- Davis
- Dietz K-8
- Drachman K-8
- Dunham
- Erickson
- Ford
- Gale
- Grijalva
- Henry
- Holladay K-5 Magnet
- Hollinger K-8
- Howell
- Hudlow
- Johnson Primary
- Kellond
- Lawrence 3-8
- Lineweaver
- Lynn/Urquides
- Maldonado
- Manzo
- Marshall
- Maxwell K-8
- McCorkle K-8
- Meredith K-12
- Miller
- Mission View
- Myers/Ganoung
- Ochoa
- Oyama
- Pueblo Gardens
- Roberts-Naylor K-8
- Robins K-8
- Robison
- Rose K-8
- Roskruge K-8 Magnet
- Safford K-8
- Sewell
- Steele
- Tolson
- Tully
- Van Buskirk
- Vesey
- Warren
- Wheeler
- White
- Whitmore
- Wright
Title I Middle Schools
Title I High Schools
Homeless, Neglected, and Delinquent Supports
TUSD supports neglected and delinquent students through academic and enrichment programs. Staff works closely with county, state, and private agencies to provide programs for these identified youth.
655 N. Magnolia Ave.Tucson, AZ 85711
(520) 232-7058
Program Manager of School Improvement
The School Improvement Department is dedicated to enhancing educational outcomes across the district by managing and implementing grant-funded initiatives designed to support schools identified for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI), Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI), and those with D or F ratings. Our team oversees districtwide improvement efforts, providing targeted support to schools, fostering collaboration, and promoting sustainable growth in teaching and learning. Through these initiatives, we are committed to creating equitable opportunities and achieving high levels of academic excellence across all schools.
A key component of our work involves professional development initiatives that equip educators with the skills and strategies necessary to drive school improvement. By aligning evidence-based instructional practices with school improvement goals, we empower teachers and leaders to make informed decisions that enhance student outcomes.
As part of our efforts, we utilize the Project Momentum framework to collaborate closely with schools, strategically implementing targeted support. This approach ensures that each school’s improvement plan is tailored to its unique needs, fostering sustainable success and long-term academic growth. Through continuous monitoring and adaptive strategies, we ensure schools remain on track for ongoing improvement and excellence.
For more information on the Arizona Department of Education (AZDOE):
AZDOE Office of School Improvement website
AZDOE Project Momentum
Comprehensive School Improvement (CSI)
Schools receiving a CSI designation are those in need of significant improvement in academic outcomes for all students. Our district actively supports schools identified as CSI by implementing strategic, grant-funded initiatives aligned with the Arizona Department of Education’s guidelines. We work closely with school leaders to develop customized improvement plans that address specific areas of need, focusing on evidence-based practices that lead to enhanced teaching and learning. We provide hands-on support, continuous professional development, and collaborative coaching to help schools achieve their goals. Additionally, our district monitors progress through data-driven strategies to ensure that each CSI-designated school is on track for meaningful, sustainable growth.
Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI)
Schools identified for Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) are those where specific student subgroups are consistently underperforming compared to their peers. The goal of TSI is to provide targeted interventions that help close the achievement gap and ensure equitable educational outcomes for all students, particularly those in underperforming subgroups.
To support these schools, our district implements evidence-based strategies districtwide, with a particular focus on high-quality Tier 1 instruction. Using a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) approach, we ensure that all students, including those in identified subgroups, have access to engaging, flexible, and inclusive learning experiences. We are committed to maintaining high expectations for all learners, helping schools foster an environment where every student can succeed. Additionally, we provide continuous professional development and coaching to educators, building their capacity to deliver effective, equitable instruction that supports improved outcomes for all students.
Marcea Hunter
Senior Program Coordinator
The out of school time 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) program must complement and supports the regular academic school day.
Programs are implemented according to the original awarded grant proposal.
The 21st CCCLC program staff work in close collaboration with regular school day staff to meet the needs of the students in the program.
Community partners are involved in providing additional resources to support students, which can ensure long-term commitments of resources for sustainability.
Program activities are based on scientifically based practices that provide evidence that the program activity will help students meet achievement standards.
All academic enrichment activities are to be aligned to Arizona State Standards, using cross-curricular connections to meet multiple performance objectives.
Services to the family members of participating students are provided to support of students’ academic success.
The Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) Title IV-B afterschool program is funded by a federal grant from the U.S. Department of Education and administered by the Arizona Department of Education.