Bioscience students use multiple modern molecular lab techniques such as micro pipetting, DNA extraction, DNA amplification and visualization of DNA on electrophoresis gels to investigate authentic research questions. Classes may collaborate with a research lab to do authentic research-based projects, acquire skills needed to pursue higher education and to enter industry workforce in careers related to Bioscience. This is a Pima JTED enhanced program and college credit may be available.
CTE Program- Health and Bioscience
- Identify specific biological/biohazardous/chemical materials, understand and respond to safety signs and symbols, and distinguish the characteristics of biosafety levels
- Work in a modern lab to test hypotheses utilizing appropriate experimental design (distinguish between controls and variables). Collect, record, and analyze appropriate data, and support your conclusions based on evidence. Earn industry recognized certifications and possibly college credit at some sites.
Scopes and Sequence
Bio Tech Year 1.pdf
Bio Tech Year 2.pdf
Offered at Pueblo High School, Sabino High School, Santa Rita High School and Tucson High Magnet School
Dental Assisting
- Dental Assisting 1, 2 – Grade 10-11
- Dental Assisting 3, 4 – Grade 12
Must have completed Dental Assisting 1 & 2
Scope and Sequence
Dental Year 1.pdf
Dental Year 2.pdf
Offered at Santa Rita High School
Home Health Aide
- In this course, students explore health related and medical careers. This is a prerequisite for all JTED Central Healthcare Pathway programs.
- Upon successful completion, the following pathways are offered: Junior: Certified Caregiver, Health Information Management (JTED Central Campus Hybrid Class) Medical Assisting, EMT, Physical Therapy Tech and LNA. Sophomore: Pathway to Health Information Management (JTED Central Campus Hybrid Class)
- This is a Pima JTED enhanced course. This course has extended day offerings.
Scopes and Sequence
Home Health Year 1.pdf
Home Health Year 2.pdf
Offered at Pueblo High School and Teenage Parent High School (TAP)
- Learn how to collect pertinent information from patients/customers for the pharmacist. Screen prescription/medication orders for completeness and authenticity using first-person and electronic systems. Prepare medications for distribution in accordance with the Arizona State Board of Pharmacy laws and regulations. Differentiate between the use and side effects of prescription and non-prescription medications used to treat common diseases. Work beside a certified pharmacist in a clinical, medical or retail setting. Earn industry recognized certifications and possibly college credit at some sites.
Scopes and Sequence
Pharmacy Year 1.pdf
Pharmacy Year 2.pdf
Offered at Sahuaro High School
- Work with athletes, coaches, and professionals to apply psychology and motivation techniques to athletic training and physical fitness. Use taping techniques and protective equipment to prevent, support, or treat sports injuries, and employ techniques that can be used to increase strength, mobility, and endurance. Identify situations when emergency treatment is needed, perform standard first aid skills, and select the needed transport procedures for the injury and setting. Apply selected therapy modalities for athletes in accordance with needed treatment, and report on the response to treatment. Earn industry recognized certifications and possibly college credit at some sites.
Scopes and Sequence
Sports Med Year 1.pdf
Sports Med Year 2.pdf
Offered at Cholla High School, Palo Verde High Magnet School, Sabino High School and Tucson High Magnet School