Business Management
Business Management Administrative Services (BMAS)
Business Management Administrative Services students learn the process of business operations and explore starting, owning and managing a business by addressing Business Management and Administrative Services standards. This is a Pima JTED enhanced course and community college credit may be available for this course.Offered at Tucson High Magnet
Scope and Sequence
Business Management Year 1 (in PDF)Business Management Year 2 (in PDF)
- Business Manager
- Corporate Executive
- Entrepreneur
- Financial Planner
- Human Resources Specialist
- Marketing Specialist
- Operations Manager
Business Operations (BOSAS)
Utilize technology to perform and coordinate office administrative activities ensuring information is collected and disseminated to staff and clients effectively and efficiently. Learn about keyboarding skills, software techniques, graphics, design forms, and merging text to produce documents. Gain knowledge in proofreading, editing, organizing resource materials, notarization, database and spreadsheet software, data entry, and preserving and retrieving electronic files/records. Assemble materials and documentation for meetings, prepare meeting minutes, maintain office equipment and supplies, arrange travel, master proper telephone skills, and manage payroll and banking procedures. Become proficient in navigating the Internet and intranet, email functions, characterizing URLs and protocols, using search engines and web tools, practicing project management, and understand staffing procedures.Offered at Catalina, Cholla and Tucson High Magnet
Scope and Sequence
Business Operations Year 1 (in PDF)Business Operations Year 2 (in PDF)
- Business Manager
- Administrative Assistant
- Public Relations Specialist
Marketing students are introduced to the Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship program standards designed to prepare students for employment in various sales, customer service. advertising and promotion, and first-line positions in wholesale, retail and service establishments. The program enables students to explore, understand, and apply marketing, management, and entrepreneurial principles. This is a Pima JTED enhanced course and community college credit may be available for this course.Offered at Pueblo High School
Scope and Sequence
Marketing Year 1 (in PDF)Marketing Year 2 (in PDF)
- Advertising Manager
- Media Coordinator
- Product Manager
- Sales Director
- Public Relations Specialist
- Market Analyst

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Information about Tucson Unified's Business Management CTE program for high school students.
article, 2022-2023, school, tucson, career and technical education, CTE, high school, business management
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