Advanced Placement Courses
Benefits of AP:
- Saves students time and money in college by reducing the number of classes it takes to earn a college degree
- Helps students stand out in the college admission process
- Students build the confidence and skills they need to engage in challenging coursework
- Successfully completing AP coursework may help your child earn scholarships towards paying for college
AP United States Government and Politics | AP Statistics | AP Japanese Language and Culture |
AP Chemistry | AP United States History | AP Physics C: Mechanics |
AP Spanish Literature and Culture | AP European History | AP Spanish Language and Culture |
AP Chinese Language and Culture | AP Art History | AP Biology |
AP Environmental Science | AP Microeconomics | AP French Language and Culture |
AP Psychology | AP Calculus AB | AP World History: Modern |
AP English Literature and Composition | AP Calculus BC | AP Physics 1 |
AP Computer Science A | AP Computer Science Principles | AP German Language and Culture |
AP Human Geography | AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism | AP Music Theory |
AP Macroeconomics | AP English Language and Composition | AP Physics 2 |
CollegeBoard's AP Classroom Platform will help guide your learning and give you additional resources to prepare for your AP Exams:

The AP Daily Practice Sessions:
AP Daily: Practice Sessions is a new video series that focuses on practicing free-response questions and multiple-choice questions, with the aim of helping students do just that—practice!

In addition to the above resources, don't forget your classroom teacher is also an excellent source of additional support. If you don't understand something in class, let your teacher know. You can rest assured you're not the only student in the class who can benefit from having your question(s) answered or clarified.
Get An Edge in College:
Taking AP courses and exams in high school could give you an advantage in college by letting you:
Earn College Credit and Placement
Your AP score could earn you college credits before you even set foot on campus. In fact, most AP students who enroll in four-year colleges start school with some credit.
Save Money and Time
Earning credit or placement can open up time on your schedule or even let you graduate early.
Stand Out to Colleges
“AP” on your high school transcript shows colleges you're motivated to succeed, and taking the exam demonstrates your commitment to tackle and complete college-level work.

Keep Your Options Open
Earning college credit with AP can give you the flexibility to change majors, pursue a second degree, study abroad, or seek internships.
Click Here To Learn the Top 3 Reasons to Take AP Exams
Before exam day:
- Check with the school or center where the exam is being administered to find out what room the exam is being administered in.
- Plan to arrive well before your exam’s scheduled starting time.
Be sure to bring:
- No. 2 pencils for your multiple-choice answer sheet. (Students outside the U.S.: bring HB or No. 2 pencils.)
- Pens with black or dark blue ink for completing areas on the exam booklet covers and for free-response questions in most exams.
- An acceptable calculator if your AP Exam allows the use of a calculator.
- If you don’t attend the school where you’re taking the exam: a current government-issued or school-issued photo ID. (Additional ID may be required by authorized test centers outside the United States.)
- Your College Board SSD Accommodations Letter if you are taking an exam with approved testing accommodations.
- A watch that does not have internet access, does not beep or make noise, and does not have an alarm.
- A ruler or straightedge only if you are taking an AP Physics Exam. Protractors are not allowed.
Don't bring:
- Electronic equipment including phones, smartwatches, fitness trackers, wearable technology, cameras, recording or listening devices, or any other type of electronic or communication device.
- Digital recording devices that meet AP Program criteria are allowed only for the AP French, AP German, AP Italian, and AP Spanish Language and Culture Exams, and the AP Music Theory Exam.
- Computers that meet AP Program criteria are allowed for the AP Chinese and AP Japanese Language and Culture Exams.
- Books, reference guides, notes, compasses, protractors, mechanical pencils, pencils that are not No. 2, correction fluid, dictionaries, highlighters, or colored pencils.
- Scratch paper: Students are prohibited from bringing scratch paper to the AP Exam. For AP Chinese and AP Japanese Exams, scratch paper will be provided.
- Watches that beep, make a noise, or have an alarm.
- Computers or calculators that are not approved.
- Reference guides, keyboard maps, or other typing instructions.
- Ear plugs.
- Clothing or shoes with subject-related information.
- Food or drink.
- Clipboards.
A student observed with any of these prohibited items during testing or breaks may be dismissed from the exam, the device may be confiscated, the student’s score may be canceled, and no retest may be permitted.
Follow any specific health and safety protocols for the exam room that your school may have in place. AP policies allow you to bring hand sanitizer to the room, but it must be placed under the desk, not on the desk. You may use any other PPE (such as masks) following your school’s current requirements.
Details about required and prohibited items are in the AP Exam Terms and Conditions. We’ll let you know when the 2023 AP Exam Terms and Conditions are available and will send you reminders about reading the terms ahead of the exam administration.
To View the College Board Advanced Placement Exam Dates and Times,
Adavance Placement (AP) Exam Locations
Let us help!
E-mail us here with your student's school and information.
Activate Your Free Score Send
You have until mid-June to send your AP Exam scores to the college, university, or scholarship organization of your choice.
- Use this tool to look up all credit and placement policies for every college.
You Worked Hard—Relax and Enjoy Your Summer!
- Keep these 5 tips in mind as you prepare for the next school year.
- AP test scores are typically released in July. Check your account for updates.
If you have any questions about AP along the way, check out AP Students.