Johnson Primary School at a Glance

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As Tucson Unified's only primary school serving pre-K to 3rd grade, Johnson Primary has a focus on early language, early cognitive development and, as needed, early intervention. The school puts the children first under the motto: "Teach the child, not the program." Teachers work to build relationships and knowledge beyond textbooks and to connect students to their learning.
Rosaisela Cota
Rosaisela Cota

Mrs. Cota has served the Tucson Unified School District for 28 years in multiple capacities, first as a bilingual teacher, an instructional coach, a teacher mentor, and assistant principal, and now the proud principal of Johnson Primary School.

Mrs. Cota is at Johnson offering 31 years of experience in Pre-K to 12th grades specializing in Curriculum and Instruction, Bilingual Multicultural Education, Restorative Practices and Administrative Duties. She earned a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree from Northern Arizona University and earned her Administration Certificate from the University of Arizona. Mrs. Cota considers herself a Lumber-Cat!

Mrs. Cota’s Distinguished Awards include:

·         RODEL Aspiring Principal 2012-2014

·         Master Teacher through the AZ-K-12 Center

  Lead Now Principal Candidate 2017-2018

·         Nominated as Principal of the Year 2017-2018

6060 S Joseph Ave 85757 Map

Office Phone: 520-908-3800 

Email Johnson

Office Hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Johnson School Building