Please take advantage of LINQ Connect to prepay your student's meal accounts for Middle School & High School a la carte purchases. 


Cash & Check accepted in all school kitchens (No processing fee)


Lunch Applications

AZ Farm to School Logo

Smart Snacks In School
USDA Dietary Guidelines
Web Menus Mobile App

Welcome to TUSD Food Services!


Updated Information

Millions of children depend on school meals—but proposed changes in Congress could limit access to the nutrition they need.

📢 Take action now: Contact your legislators using the link below.

Together, we can ensure school meal programs remain a priority. Your voice matters—stand up for the future of school nutrition.





School Year 24-25

Free Meals Logo.png





First start of school with all schools on CEP!

What is CEP?

Community Eligibility Provision, is a provision of the National School Lunch Program that offers free meals to all students at qualifying schools. CEP eliminates the household application process to qualify for free or reduced price meals. Based on the percentage of students that automatically qualify for free meals through SNAP benefits, McKinney Vento, Foster and Medicaid data, we are able to offer free meals to all students at all TUSD schools.

Note regarding TUVA: As an Arizona Online Instruction (AOI), TUVA does not qualify for CEP as TUVA is not eligible to participate in the National School Breakfast & Lunch Program per current federal regulation.


Please make sure to follow us on Facebook or Instagram to stay updated on all things Food Services and be the first to see the new menu items we're offering to students across our district! 



Free Meals at TUSD!

TUSD Families- We are pleased to announce that through the expansion of the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) of the National School Breakfast and Lunch Program, we are now able to provide breakfast and lunch at no charge to all students effective immediately.  All students enrolled at any of our 87 school campuses may receive one breakfast meal and one lunch meal at no charge every school day. All 87 Tucson Unified schools qualify for this program, and household applications for free and reduced priced meals are no longer required.

We look forward to serving your student nutritious meals at school!

For any questions, please contact TUSD Food Services Department at [email protected] or call (520) 225-4700.




Learn more about TUSD Food Services & Join our team!