Tucson Unified School District

Register Today for the 2025-26 School Year
Black History Month banner graphic
Tucson Unified celebrates the excellence of our Career and Technical Education program - readying students for college and career success. CTE Month Celebrate Today, Own Tomorrow!
Top News
News from TUSD Food Services

Tucson Unified School District Food Services Providing Nourishment and Fueling MindsMillions of children depend on school meals—but proposed changes in Congress could limit access to the nutrition they need. 

Together, we can ensure school meal programs remain a priority. Your voice matters—stand up for the future of school nutrition.


Dr. Ashcraft Named a UofA Alumni of the Year
Joan AshcraftCongratulations to Fine and Performing Arts Director Dr. Joan Ashcraft, for being recognized as a University of Arizona Alumni of the Year for 2025! Read more.
Upcoming Events

More calendars


TUSD's Eastside MS Bands perform a variety of literature for concert adjudication .
TUSD's Central MS Bands perform a variety of literature for concert adjudication.
TUSD's Westside MS Bands perform a variety of literature for concert adjudification.
Interviews and hiring on the spot.


TUSD's guitar programs participate in workshops ending the day with a concert featuring music for guitar orchestras.
Our Stories
A teacher in an apron and two students smile behind a table filled with treats and drinks
Starbooks Study Hall
Four students stand in front of a bookcase in the library
Magnet Awards
A young girl stands at the microphone preparing to spell her word
Stellar Spellers
A woman paints a paper floral title
Award-Winning Lesson Plan
A teen girl smiles with her mentor in front of a red Young Women of Impact Banner
Student Recognition

Top Videos
Superintendent Trujillo Visits Lynn-Urquides
Athlete Spotlight: Madyson Patty, Sahuaro High School
Girls Wrestling Match
STEM at Wakefield Middle School

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Emergency Housing Support
Emergency Housing Support


Food Services Logo


Duffy Clothing Bank
Clothing Bank


Student Relations Logo
Student Relations


Family Resource Centers
Family Centers


School Counseling Logo


Mental Health Services
Mental Health


School Health Services Logo
School Health