Sahuaro High School at a Glance
Sahuaro prepares every student to be a responsible global leader and lifelong learner. We are a diverse school that expands students’ academic skills, encourages global thinking and prepares students for college and careers. Participation in Advanced Placement courses is typically high at Sahuaro, and the school has a strong career and technical education program, offering classes in automotive, computer science, culinary arts, pharmaceutical technology, and other fields.
Interpersonal skills are developed through the numerous extracurricular opportunities in sports, clubs and visual and performing arts.
Interpersonal skills are developed through the numerous extracurricular opportunities in sports, clubs and visual and performing arts.

Roberto Estrella is pleased to continue his role as principal of Sahuaro High School. Roberto takes pride in the passion, expertise, and commitment demostrated by the faculty and staff. Roberto is privileged to collaborate with the families, faculty, and staff in guiding the students to reach their full potential and become successful, responsible adults.